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Category: Prehrana
Forum Name: Dodaci prehrani
Forum Description: Whey protein, kreatin, BCAA i ostalo - rasprava o dodacima prehrani
Printed Date: 30 Ožujak 2025 at 20:29
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 10.14 -

Topic: Testoboosteri
Posted By: Elephatn777
Subject: Testoboosteri
Date Posted: 09 Kolovoz 2017 at 13:15
Eh ti T-boosteri :)
Znam da vecina misli da ne rade osim ako osoba nema "problema" sa proizvodnjom istoga.
Međutim, s obzirom da startam sa treninzima a imam jedan od proizvoda doma htio bih ga iskoristiti međutim postoji jedan problem. Relativno sam informiram o svim sastojcima jos od prije ali me zabrinjava sto sadrzi i saw palmetto,

Da li je strah opravdan ili nije?

Hoce li SP jako spustiti DHT ili je to samo "prica" ??



Amix Myto Test-V3 gathers an elite group of anabolic compounds that will get your testosterone levels shooting from the floor to the ceiling.

To do this, Myto Test-V3 contains 4 unique blends which include all the scientific knowledge and research up to 2014:

  • Mytosterone – patented blend of Saw Palmetto Berry and Astaxanthin. These two nutrients work together in increasing testosterone production and preventing the conversion of testosterone into less desirable DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
  • Performance & Testosterone Igniter – features a fusion of Rhodiola Rosea, Maca, Guggul Resin and D-Aspartic Acid, that will help reduce cortisol and stress levels, decrease estrogen and increase the release of luteinizing hormone, growth hormone and, of course, testosterone.
  • Testofen –patented Fenugreek extract that is backed by studies showing its confirmed effectiveness in boosting testosterone, increasing muscle mass and enhancing sexual function.
  • Myto Test-V3’s Ginkgo Biloba, Cordyceps Sinensis and Zinc – helps improve blood circulation, provides anti-stress support and further boosts testosterone synthesis.

Destroy all barriers, smash through blockades and reach your bodybuilding goals with Power. Boost your testosterone levels now, with Amix - Myto Test-V3 !

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