Methoxy is a natural and effective
supplement with powerful tissue building effect and none of the
unpleasant and dangerous side effects associated with lesser - supplements .The
main goal for many is to increase lean mass and improve definition.
Methoxy-isoflavone has been shown to offer benefits towards both of
these goals when combined with a - high protein diet and hard training. Methoxy-isoflavone
is one of the flavonoid group of chemicals, and as such it offers a
strong anti-oxidant effect in the body. However, the main areas of
research which have been followed with regard to Methoxy-isoflavone have
been in pursuit of its benefits as a - bodybuilding supplement . The
main benefit of Methoxy-isoflavone is in its ability to boost the
amount of lean mass in the body thanks to the way in which it increases - protein synthesis throughout the body. This means that when users of the supplement eat a - high protein diet they are able to process the nutrients more efficiently and get more benefit from their diet. In
various tests carried out over recent years, methoxy-isoflavone has
been shown to have a number of benefits when administered as part of a
diet, including increased mass, higher bone density, and higher levels
of endurance. These three key benefits, coupled with its lack of side
effects mean that Methoxy-isoflavone is quickly becoming an incredibly
popular supplement for people who want to enjoy major physical gains. |
Ne vidim da e itko spomenuo ovaj suplement do sada, ili je kod nas prisutan na tržištu pod nekim drugim komercijalnim nazivom. Prvi put sam ga počeo piti prije dva mjeseca i odradio jednu turu od 30 dana, jučer sam krenuo nanovo. U kombinaciji s drugim suplementima koje uzimam imao sam vrlo dobre rezultate i sad očekujem reprizu. Iako mi je teoretski tjedni kalorijski deficit oko 10000 kCal, uz gubitak masti koji se poklapa s ovim deficitom, dobijam i na mišićnoj masi. U 4 tjedna na methoxyisoflavonu mi se LBM povećao za 3,6kg, u 4 tjedna nakon što sam ga prestao piti za 2kg tako da bih ovu razliku uzeo kao neku referentnu mjeru učinkovitosti za moj metabolizam, prehranu i trening. Da ne bude zabune, nije to nikakva čarobna tableta, i sumnjam da bi bilo ikakvog efekta da ne pazim strogo na prehranu, treniram svaki dan i šopam se aminokiselinama i proteinima, no kad sve sve složi, priča funkcionira odlično. Možda zvuči glupo, no ujutro kad se probudiš, ništa ne škripi od treninga jučer navećer, već se istovremeno osjećaš veći i lakši. U kombinaciji s visokim unosom proteina, bcaa i hmb-om, mislim da radi čuda za regeneraciju. Da li je to itko još ovdje koristio?